So many academies... It was but what are they role? and what do they do beyond "bringing gray-heared man" together? How do they start a dialog between science and policy maker? Why water is a major topic to involve a policy-science dialog in Africa? And what is the role of young researchers in those academies?
Jackie Olang, from the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) answered this questions for us :
NASAC was founded in 2001 and it "aspires to act as an independent African forum that brings together Academies of Sciences in Africa to discuss scientific aspects of challenges of common concern, to make common statements on major issues relevant to Africa and to provide mutual support to member Academies. Drawing from this, NASAC aims to specifically facilitate the provision of advice to governments and regional organizations on scientific aspects of pertinent issues to Africa 's development through science academies."
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Quite inspiring Q/A session.